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Auditorías de mercado, estudios sectoriales

market audits

All companies, at one time or another of their existence, must rethink their strategy, the segmentation of their activity, their positioning, the axes of future development, etc.


In the time of great and rapid mutations that we are experiencing, this need becomes even clearer: the alternative is to navigate aimlessly. The panacea is not to follow the general trends of your sector, to “follow” the leaders, to do “what everyone else does”. A technological modernization effort, for example, without knowing what technology, or how, or why, or for what, or to what extent, is not enough to win the battles of the future.


There are no "recipes" for business success in any sector of activity, but there are as many correct strategies as there are companies: only one, yours, the one that will allow you to make the most of your own strengths as well as the opportunities of the market, that strategy, which we can discover and design with you and for you, is "the good one".


The most serious dangers often appear insidiously; by the time the threat becomes apparent, there is a high probability that it is already too late to act. It is very easy to fall little by little “off the hook” of your market…

Without going that far, few companies exploit 100% of the potential they have in their hands... Why? Because they don't know their market well enough.


Ideally, all companies should carry out audits or market research on a cyclical basis.

When this is not the case, it is convenient to take advantage of the moments of doubt, the moments of suspicion, the vague signs that seem to announce a relative "tiredness" of the market... It is convenient to take advantage of the will to innovate, the desire to improve and open minds when they are manifested in the company… It is convenient to take advantage of these opportunities to decide to analyze rationally and objectively its position and its direction in the market. It should be done in order to rectify and adjust policies and approaches, customs and vices, BEFORE sales start to drop or opportunities slip away.

Ad-hoc sectoral studies

  • Objectives

​​Analyze rationally and objectively your position and direction in the market.
Define your own solid and secure development strategy. 

  • Methodology

Analysis of your current situation, in terms of:

  • ​​the thoughts and feelings of the final consumer,

  • the behaviors and attitudes of the final consumer,

  • the opinions of the intermediaries,

  • the opinions of your competitors,

  • their position relative to the competition.

Our strategic recommendations and our optional support in the implementation of the recommendations.

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